


Lake District


North Yorkshire

North Wales



About Summiteer

~Pendle Hill~

23rd / 24th / 28th August 2014

Pendle Summit

Pendle Summit

Three walks reported here. Gary and Aimee said they would come over on Sunday (23rd) for a Pendle walk. However they shelved that plan and came over on Monday (24th) instead. The sun was in the right place on Thursday 28th, no further excuses required.

Sunday 23rd

Monday 24th

Thursday 28th

On Sunday, every man and his dog was out on the fine afternoon. Karen stands aloft with Molly.

Karen Pendle

Pendle Top

We spent an hour and 30 minutes walking up the track from the roadside and then back down the steps.


On Monday the weather was less kind. Gary and Aimee are planning to walk the Three Peaks (Yorkshire) in late September. As Aimee has not previously climbed anything more demanding than a sand dune, we thought a Pendle ascent would be a good place to start.

Gary and Aimee Cloudy Pendle
In the Mist
On the top of Pendle Hill

Molly had to be on the lead up here, not because of sheep, but due to the limited visibility and strong wind. If she had gone too far ahead, she may not have heard our calls and run off in the wrong direction.

G,A, me n' Molly walked from Barley and up past the Ogden Reservoirs before climbing Boar Clough and reaching the summit in dense cloud. Back to Barley via the fields. 2 hours and 3 minutes.


By Thursday, me n' Molly were again ready for a challenge

Molly and cyclist

Molly and The Cyclist

Starting again from Barley, the lengthening shadows give you some idea of the time.

Lower Ogden Res Upper Ogden Res
Lower Ogden Reservoir
Upper Ogden Reservoir

We had a picnic tea on the far side of Upper Ogden Reservoir, where runners don't run and walkers seldom go.

Molly the Collie


This is Molly's 15th ascent of Pendle Hill. A quick look back at the first one ...

April 27th '14 - just 4 months ago

Bowland Sunset

Longridge & Beacon Fells with the pointy peak of Parlick

This walk was carefully timed to reach the summit half an hour before the sunset.

Summit view

Summit Views

Pendle Sunset

Pendle Sunset

There's something about this view and this time of day. I could easily make a habit of coming up here.

View to home


Looking back towards home, we live just out of shot to the right of the arrow. The arrow points to the spot where the following early morning photo was taken on one of our daily fields walk.

The Morning Walk

Bowland Sunset

The Bowland Sunset

Molly silhouette

Getting Closer

to the Molly silhouette portrait, we'll keep trying.

This walk of 28th August took 2hrs 9mins.

All photos copyright Richard Ratcliffe 2014 ©

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